Monday, September 20, 2010

Final Artwork in Flash

More on Idea Development

Final Artwork #1

Final Artwork #2

Final Artwork #3

*From the 3 Final Artworks above, we finally chose Final Artwork #1 as our Final Output.*

Idea Development of Interactive of Creative Multimedia

Random words for Interactive of Creative Multimedia

Below are the sketches and ideas that our team developed, and these are also the sketches that we choose for our next final design.

Sketches 1

Sketches 2

Assignment 2

The Logical Mind Map, Associated Mind Map and 800 words essay

Mind Map of Creative Multimedia

Mind Map of Interactive of Creative Multimedia

Essay- Interactive of Creative Multimedia

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Random Words Association

LESSON 6: Random Words Association

From my understanding on the notes, the random word methond is an effective way on helping us creating new ideas by allowing us to enter our existing thinking pattern at a different point.

Using this method is easy. Just find a word and associate it with another word. Then create new ideas by linking these associations. This method as you can see, almost any word enables you to generate new ideas. This method also helps you to think out of the box.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Logical mind map


A mind map is a graphical method of representing your notes and ideas. Mind mapping helps to structure your information, to analyze and generate better ideas. This is an example of a mind map:

A mind map's characteristics usually involve and central idea or keyword. In design, a mind map always have branches, which is for the sub ideas. From this sub ideas comes the smaller branches, serving as an extension and elaboration of the sub ideas.

Mind maps can be use in many ways such as taking notes from lectures, summarize books or writing essays. We could easily identify and understand the structure of a subject. In a project, one could use mind maps to state their ideas and exchange them with their teammates.

Conclusion: Mind maps are one of the effective ways on developing ideas and help to stimulate creative thinking to solve problems.

This a mind map about myself :)

Friday, July 30, 2010

Juxtaposition part 2


Let's recap: Juxtaposition is the placement of two subjects with contrast. When you put two opposing subjects by each other, your brain tries to figure out the relation. In Lesson 5, based on the lecture notes, juxtaposition can also be considered as transfer of meaning.

What is ANALOGY?

Based on my understanding on the lecture notes, analogy is the process of transfering information from a familiar subject to more complex subject.

There are two types of analogies:



Analogies are divided by two types:

- Metaphor

- Similes

Metaphors happen when 2 different ideas that your compare or contrast and linked them imaginatively, though they are not like similes. Metaphors does not use the word "as" or "like".

Similes on the other hand, is the comparison of 2 different ideas with the word "as" or "like"


Choose three pairs of number from group one and three pairs of number from group two. Merge each pair of them together. Wirte a sentence by using the words given and draw pictures for each of the group.

My result: I got 17, 36 and 52

17: Flower & Tree

36: Ice & Spider

52: Oil & Rock



Life is but a flame,

It glows in the dark,

When the time comes,

the flame goes out,

so does Life.



is a wonderful feeling

of love, joy and contentment.

We jump with excitement

when we feel happy,

Like a fluffy kitten,

we feel contented

full of happiness.

3) MAN and WOMAN

Man and woman,

Two different beings,

yet equal in every sense,

God created woman

as man's companion,

To be together side by side.

Every man has a woman,

and every women has a man,

They are meant for each other,

like two sheeps in a valley

One wears blue and the other pink.